April 2016

John 7:32-53

Do you feel thirsty for more of Christ? Like you just can’t seem to get filled up? Jesus wants us all to be filled with the Living Water that He offers us everyday. In John 7 we will look at the what and how of what Jesus said.

John 7:1-31

Have you ever been in a situation where the timing seemed so perfect it had to be God’s timing, only to find out it wasn’t? In this message we will learn how Jesus trusted in God’s timing and how we can do the same. 

March 2016

Look Up

 We all have strongholds. What is your stronghold today? In this message we talk about moving forward when you have a stone in front of you.

John 6:22-40

Do you ever get upset when things don’t go your way? Do you begin to lose faith when it seems like Jesus isn’t taking care of you? In this message you will learn just how God takes care of us and all our needs. 

John 6:15-21

Living in Oregon we have all seen our fair share of storms, but we have also experienced our own personal storms. Learn how God is still sovereign in our storms in this message.

John 6:1-14

Continuing through The Gospel of John we look at Chapter 6. We focus on when Jesus fed 5,000 by the Sea of Galilee. Jason looks at the very mentality of those that were by the Sea of Galilee, and brings to light a new understanding of this passage.

February 2016

John 5:1-47

In John 5 we take a look at the time Jesus healed the crippled man on the Sabbath and then finishes out the rest of the chapter. This specific story leads to the thing that changed all of our lives. Listen to find out!

John 4:34-54

Throughout life we all get stretched, and sometimes it hurts. It is a must hear for anyone who has felt like this. In this message you will learn why God stretches us and how He uses it to strengthen us. 

John 4:1-19

Have you ever felt like the outcast? Like you needed to avoid people? The Samaritan woman felt the same way, but Jesus met her at the well and changed her life. Jesus is all we need and this message explains how this woman found that out.

John 3:16-36

John 3:16 is one of the most well known Bible verses to this day. This message starts off with this ever popular verse and finishes out chapter 3. Going through this portion of John is such an encouraging Word and really opens our eyes to various aspects of what Jesus has done for all of […]